Lovely to see! Thanks.
Original source?
watctower has posted a $40,000,000 bond following montana's upholding of the nunez v watchtower verdict of 2018. punitive damages have been upheld, and wt has purchased the bond from travelers insurance (35m+ interest)-montana sc will rule later this year on the appeal.. .
Lovely to see! Thanks.
Original source?
first minister nicola sturgeon is a) promising another independence vote and b) saying that an independent scotland would apply to join the e.u.. independent from england, but a vassal state of the e.u.. if it unfolds the way she wants it to, get ready for a scotland-england backstop argument for a hard border/soft border, followed by england refusing to allow scotland to continue using sterling as its currency.
not to mention scots arguing amongst themselves whether to keep the queen as head of state or not.
happy days ahead!
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is a) promising another independence vote and b) saying that an independent Scotland would apply to join the E.U.
Independent from England, but a vassal state of the E.U.
If it unfolds the way she wants it to, get ready for a Scotland-England backstop argument for a hard border/soft border, followed by England refusing to allow Scotland to continue using sterling as its currency. Not to mention Scots arguing amongst themselves whether to keep the Queen as head of state or not.
Happy days ahead!
does anyone have an update on the developement in chelmsford?.
i'm always keenly slightly interested in hearing about jehovahs blessings..
The UK Bethelites are now essentially part of the smokescreen for enforcing/encouraging donations out of UK JW's.
Absolutely no justification or need for maintaining an expensive UK Branch complex when Selters in Germany serves the whole of Europe now.
i happened to be in my old town last week, i decided to drive past my old kh in,.
to my suprise there was a large 'for sale' sign hanging off it!.
this is a semi-remote area with the nearest other kh's a good 30 mins in every direction.
Back in the mid-2000's, Ron Drage (prominent UK Branch official) informed Brother Greenlees (very prominent JW in Scotland) that the organization had serious financial problems, but said he was sure it would be successfully dealt with.
Brother Greenlees shared this info with a dyed-in-the-wool JW who was also a close friend of mine.
The money-grab is continuing apace - must be due to the hundreds/thousands of new KH's being built for free in 3rd world countries. Isn't the generosity/love of "Jehovah's organization" wonderful to see!
Active JW's: Sorry to be a party-pooper, but I have yet to see/hear all the wonderful reports of these KH projects which poor JW's couldn't afford by themselves. Try asking your BOE to find out. :)
if so pm me about it and we maybe able to compare notes .simon may be interested otherwise ignore this post ..
Welcome SarahEmily.
I hope you share some of your story and that you get encouraged and built up by comments and chats with some of us here. It may take a bit of time, but you will be glad you got involved.
here is a you tube video made by a ex-lds member.. the comment made at the 5:48 min mark i found very interesting..
This is the restrained Catholic view on the "historic" meeting:
The Mormons read a helluva lot more into it:
The LDS President Ballard said, “We could not have asked for a more fulfilling experience. We were grateful that he would receive us.”
Isn't it nice of God's chosen representatives on earth (the LDS' 12 Prophets) to be so condescending to the religious leader of a false religion?
Why is it blocked in EU countries?
i’m not asking whether you believe in the bible.
i just want your opinion as to whether you think the bible teaches it.
i don’t, for what it’s worth..
Since the Roman Catholic Church originated the formal Trinity doctrine, I feel that they provide the best summary of it:
"St. Jerome says, in a well-known phrase: "The true profession of the mystery of the Trinity is to own that we do not comprehend it"
"Moreover, our Lord's words, Matthew 11:27, "No one knoweth the Son, but the Father," seem to declare expressly that the plurality of Persons in the Godhead is a truth entirely beyond the scope of any created intellect. The Fathers supply many passages in which the incomprehensibility of the Divine Nature is affirmed."
If it's a mystery which is incomprehensible and entirely beyond the scope of all created intellect......
how alienated from jehovah and un-christian so many bethelites must be, who finished their higher education and gained their degrees!
i don't know how they can live with their consciences!.
pages 6 & 7, pars.
How alienated from Jehovah and un-Christian so many Bethelites must be, who finished their higher education and gained their degrees! I don't know how they can live with their consciences!
Pages 6 & 7, pars. 15 & 16:
15 A sister who has been in full-time service for over 15 years says: “As a baptized Witness, I had read and heard about the dangers of pursuing university education, but I dismissed such warnings. I thought that the counsel did not apply to me.” What challenges did she face? She admits: “Studying for my courses took so much time and effort that I was too busy to linger in prayer to Jehovah the way I used to, too exhausted to enjoy Bible discussions with others, and too tired to prepare well for the meetings. Thankfully, once I realized that being immersed in higher education was damaging my relationship with Jehovah, I knew I had to stop. And I did.”
16 What effect did higher education have on this sister’s thinking? She answers: “I am ashamed to admit that the education I pursued taught me to be critical of others, especially my brothers and sisters, to expect too much of them, and to isolate myself from them. It took me a long time to unlearn these lessons. That time in my life showed me just how dangerous it is to ignore the warnings given by our heavenly Father through his organization. Jehovah knew me better than I knew myself. If only I had listened!”
But all of you higher educated Bethelites didn't listen, did you? Shame on you!!
"shortly, within our twentieth century*, the "battle in the day of jehovah" will begin against the modern antitype of jerusalem, christendom.
" (the nations shall know that i am jehovah; 1971; 2nd ed.
fearmongering or scaremongering is the spreading of frightening and exaggerated rumors of impending danger or the habit or tactic of purposely and needlessly arousing public fear about an issue.
@ Mr. Morris, (and active JW's) - Doesn't the Bible say that things will kick off with those who claim to believe the good news being dealt with first?
(1 Peter 4:17) For it is the appointed time for the judgement to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?
@ Mr. Morris, (and active JW's) - If the title "Babylon the Great" allegedly represents all false religion, and BTG is the mother of the prostitutes, then who are the other prostitutes?
(Revelation 17:5) “Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes...
@ Mr. Morris, (and active JW's) - When Revelation 7:14 talks about "the great tribulation," isn't it contextually referring to the same great tribulation mentioned in the same discussion earlier at Revelation 2:22?
(Revelation 2:22) Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation...
Doesn't this verse speak of the judgement of the Christian congregations and harmonise with 1 Peter 4:16? Didn't Jesus say that the great tribulation of Matthew 24 would never occur again?